How GeoGems are born ...
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My name is Marcia Passos ... I'm Brazilian-born, US-raised,
living in New England, and the creator of GeoGraphic Gems.
Folks in my region of New Hampshire may know me as editor and publisher of regional magazines (Monadnock Table, The Business Journal , The Heart of New England & atHome Magazines). I not only love to produce new magazines, but I also love to collect vintage National Geographic magazines.
I discovered a technique to transform older National Geographic magazines into works of art quite
by accident when a friend I was visiting showed me the work she was doing
using a natural process to make works of art on canvas. The process dissolves the ink
on the pages that are printed on clay-based paper, creating brilliant abstract designs.
I began to do this myself and was intrigued by the stunning designs this technique created.
I have made jewelry in the past for friends and I realized that bezels with glass cabochons
would be an ideal way to use this paper to make earrings and pendants --
the glass locks in the paper, making it impermeable to liquids,
and accents and magnifies the designs.
Most people have not seen anything else like it!
GeoGraphic Gems: Cool • Colorful • Upcycled Fun!
Hope you enjoy your GeoGraphic Gems as much as I enjoy creating them for you!
Marcia Passos, Owner/Designer, GeoGraphic Gems